say you love me

总是埋怨追连续剧耗费时间,可是近期还是利用周末不遗余力的追了两部--《妙手仁心Ⅲ》和《我的野蛮婆婆》。后者让我改变了不少对胡杏儿的看法--虽然不是美女倒也蛮可爱,而前者,虽然因出差断断续续漏掉一个周末,自然不如某人看得多,但是相信这类感情主线的片肯定是比某人心得多。另外,一首插曲,总让人想到林保怡那张令人捉摸不透又倍感亲切的表情--这就是《侠骨仁心》(2001)的主题曲来自Patti Austin的Say you love me。


Say you love me是电影《侠骨仁心》(2001)花费超过十万高价买来正版歌曲作为影片的主题曲,这首歌的确为电影增色不少。而随着影片的大获成功,导演邓希特应邀执导了电影的电视剧版(相同剧情)《妙手仁心》系列,这首优美的旋律有幸再次出现。

Say you love me是New York的著名R & B女歌手Patti Austin在1976年成名大碟'End Of A Rainbow'中的一首非常轻快的红极一时的歌曲。Patti Austin作为作曲家兼歌手,她认为每段生活的体验都是能入歌的题材,所以歌者演唱自己的创作更能表达出自己的情感。其专辑「In & Out Of Love」中的歌曲都是情感的舒怀,这首Say you love me就是其中的代表作之一。歌曲的旋律灵动而清新,在Patti Austin独特的嗓音和技巧演绎下,既有动感有舒适惬意,令人忍不住想要随着音乐摇摆身体、释放自己。听听吧,来体会一下这种放松的的美妙的舒展的感受~

say you love me-Patti Austin

say you love me

patti austin

::download mp3::

Don't you know that I want to be more than just your friend
Holdin' hands is fine, but I've got better things on my mind
You know it could happen if you'd only see me in a different light
Maybe when we finally get together, you will see that I was right

Say you love me
You know that it could be nice
If you'd only say you love me
Don't treat me like I was ice, ooh, woo, woo

Please love me
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
If you'd only say you love me, baby
Things would really work out fine

Don't you know that I want to be more than just your friend
Holdin' hands is fine, but I've got better things on my mind
You know it could happen if you'd only see me in a different light
Maybe when we finally get together, you will see that I was right

Say you love me
You know that it could be nice
If you'd only say you love me
Don't treat me like I was ice, ooh, woo, woo

Please love me
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
If you'd only say you love me, darlin'
Things would really work out fine

Say that you love me
Say that you love me
Would you say you love me
You know that it could be nice
If you'd only say you love me
Don't treat me like I was ice, ooh, woo, woo

Please love me
I'll be yours and you'll be mine
If you'd only say you love me, baby
Things would really work out fine

If you'd only say you love me, darlin'
Things would really work out fine
If you'd only say you love me, darlin'
Things would really work out fine

关于Patti Austin

Patti Austin于1948年出生在纽约,,年仅四岁就在阿波罗剧院登台的节奏蓝调女歌手60年代末期成为录音室歌手并替广告歌曲配唱。1981年名制作人昆西.琼斯发表一张流行专辑「The Dude」,专辑的畅销除捧红担任男声主唱的James Ingram外,也成为女声主唱Patti Austin音乐事业的转折点。1982年James Ingram与Patti Austin更合唱了一曲Baby, Come To Me 一举拿下流行与抒情单曲榜的双料冠军,此时Patti 真正成为横跨节奏蓝调与流行两个音乐领域的女歌手。90年代开始,Patti Austin与流行爵士名厂GRP签约并出版几张专辑,乐风上虽然有着爵士的色彩,但歌声依旧慵懒而闲适。
