
说起德国,你会想到什么?是莱茵河畔的古堡、葡萄园的美景,还是Lorelri和鼠塔(Mouse Tower)的传说,或者是慕尼黑、斯图加特的啤酒节狂欢夜,是康德、叔本华、黑格尔、马克思的哲学思想,还是贝多芬、巴赫、勃拉姆斯、舒曼的传世之作?那么说到海德堡呢?是德国最古老的大学,哲学家路(Philosophenweg) ,黑格尔、歌德、海涅、席勒这些风流才子和哲学大师的传说。





I Lost My Heart in Heidelberg

I Lost My Heart in Heidelberg’s fair city,

‘t was in a gentle summer night,

I was in love, so deep in love entangled,

Her rosebud mouth was laughing with delight.

When at the gates at last we sadly parted,

I kissed farewell her knowing in the end:

My heart was lost in Heidelberg for ever,

My heart still beats at the Neckar strand.

On evening I remember, I was not twenty yet,

Her hair was light and golden, the lips I Kissed so red.

The air was blue and blissfull, the Neckar a silver sea,

And then I Knew, and then I knew,

What the matter was with me.

Again is on the Neckar the wine in Blossom, as then,

the years have been a-passing, I am a lonely man.

And if you ask the fellow why he did no one find,

I told you, friends, I told you friends,

what there is on my mind.

What has become of you, dear, since I had to be wise,

Old Heidelberg, so beautiful, you German Paradise!

I went away in sorrow, left happiness, ease and wine,

I think of you, I long for you,

you are my “auld lang syne”!

据说海德堡这座古城在二战盟军的轰炸中完存,是得益于一位校友将军,欲选此城作为指挥部。校庆在即,不禁自问我们作为校友为学校做过什么?哑然……将来吧,just miss the boat for another time.

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