上周成功混入某学院的学生队伍,听了几节创意课程--来自博报堂老师们的精彩讲座。其中一节介绍嘎纳广告节 Cannes Lions 2007 的情况,还欣赏了一些作品。

Gold Film Lions
Coca Cola Videogame
Viagra Wombleminki
Levis Dangerous Liaisons
Nike I Feel Pretty (+ Gold for use of music)
VW Safe Happens campaign
Sony Bravia Paint
Film Suez Clarence
Fight Network campaign
Winder Energy Initiative Power of Wind
Transport for London - The Day You Went To Work
Amnesty International - Signature
Silver Film Lions
Happy Dent Palace
Tiger Beer Taste It In This Life (New Zealand)
Coca Cola Happiness Factory
Tide to Go Interview
Thai Olympic Fibre Cement - Shakespearean Gecko
Impulse Train, Plane, Ring
Viagra Chuckwubble, Flangerati, Wubbleflapps
Smart for Two Back Seat
Volkswagen Tea
Apple Get A Mac campaign of 6
Bahamas Tourism Monte, Maureen, Lyle
Bangkok Life Assurance Salesman
Telecom Arnet Broadband Bald 1 -5
Cingular (AT&T) 2 Day Rule, Las Vegas...
Gay Marriage Rights Keys, Coaster, Milk
Amnesty Bullet
XBox 360 Mad World
Bronze Film Lions
California Milk Law of Gravity
Pot Noodle Noodle Mine
Cup a Soup Parent Teacher Discussion
Altoids Fruit Pants, Half & Half, Slap
Altoids Australian Double Back, Blow Hole Bob, Banana Hands
Bud Light Classroom
Carlton Draught Flashbeer (Australia)
Bud Light But He Has Bud Light
Bud Light Rubber Floors
Frank Beverage Nail (New Zealand)
Scotch Brite Sponge Plastic Surgery
Brawny Kitchen Roll Brawny Academy, Rock
Oxyride Battery Manned Flight
Axe 3 Crashes
Vaseline Sea of Skin
Smooth E Materialism
Sedal Hair Placard
SCA Hygiene Sorbent Folder (Australia)
Lux Neon Girl
Levis News Story
Nike Women Surgery
Nike Air Max Endure
Clio iPod Whale, Beetle
Volkswagen Horror Movie
E-Bay Trampoline, On The Go
Big Yellow Self Storage Tide
Burger King Stuff of Legends
Holiday Inn Long Goodnight
Holiday Inn Whale Song, Unicycle, Quack
Holiday Inn Joe's Throat, Screwball
Norsk Tipping Lottery Klondyke
Sitges Film Festival Hairdresser
BBC Radio 2 Elvis
Discovery In a Man's Life
Ghost Whisperer Window
Geico Burt Bacharach, Little Richard, Movie Guy
Central Beheer Acupuncture
Luft Logistics Transformer Boxes
Nextel Speech
Orange Michael Madsen
Adidas Velena Isinbayeva, Jonah Lomu
American Legacy Foundation/Truth Singing Cowboy, Joggers, Mattress, Sweet Smokes
Greenpeace Breathe (New Zealand)
NAPCAN Children See Children Do (Australia)
Zilkant Equal Payday Executive Cow
Ornge Air Ambulance Memorials
Eve Bank of India Hostel
Levis Dangerous Liasons (music)
Happy Dent Palace (music)